Sabtu, 28 Maret 2009

The Success Principle – Buy Low and Sell High

Everyone would like to be wealthy, financially independent, and financially stable; however this is not an easy process (otherwise everyone would be a millionaire), yet almost anyone can become a millionaire by following one simple success principle: by real estate low and then sell it high. To put it another way – search out properties that have a depressed value, make every effect to purchase that property either through your own financial means or through a loan from a bank or other financial institution, and then quickly sell the acquired property for a higher market value.

In this manner you are almost completely guaranteed to make money quickly and easily and thus put yourself on the right track to financial stability and growth. By utilizing this proven method you can increase your net worth by becoming a successful real estate investor thereby allowing you to make larger and more profitable investments in other money making arenas.

The first step to the success principle is to learn how to locate and identify potential profitable real estate investments. There are many reasons why a property will have a depressed street value. The most obvious reason is that the property has not been taken care of and has fallen into disrepair. While these types of properties can be extremely cheap, they usually need further investment to make them desirable or sellable. Therefore, unless you have the means and experience to make these improvements or repairs, you should avoid these types of properties.

Other reasons why real estate may have a depressed value include homes in the pre-foreclosure or foreclosure stages, the property has come under bank ownership, or the property has been seized through some sort of legal means. In all of these instances that value of the property drops, not because of the physical status of the property, but because of the legal or financial status that is associated with it. Thus, you cannot tell a foreclosed on house from a house that has no financial problems simply by looking at it from the street. This makes these types of real estate very valuable to a potential investor because he or she can easily purchase the house and then resell it at market value thereby securing a healthy profit.

The next step in the principle is to actually purchase the property you have identified as a good investment. You can obviously do this through your own financial means. However, that carries a huge personal risk. If you are unable to move the property, then your own personal money is on the line. Most investors choose to pursue short term loans in order to make the purchase. This means that, in large part, he or she is risking the money of the bank or other lending institution. While there are consequences if you are unable to repay the debt, they are less severe than losing your life savings.

Finally, in order to make a profit, you must sell the property for a profit. This will be easy to do if you have correctly identified a property that will be attractive to potential buyers or other investors.

This is the success principle that has made many investors successful and wealthy.

* About J. Burley

Minggu, 22 Maret 2009

Google Adsense Home Based Companies on Internet

Anyone who's ever been online should, by now, be aware of the hundreds of "work from home" internet based companies that are consistently advertised in various websites. One of the more popular is "doing surveys for cash."

There are literally hundreds of online survey companies. Most of them are not legitimate ways to make money, although a few of them can earn you a few bucks. These companies target stay at home moms who want to make a few extra dollars while taking care of the kids, the unemployed who want to make a few extra dollars while watching dozens of daytime court TV programs, the elderly who are not afraid to use the computer and teenagers who think they know everything, but aren't yet wise to the ways of the world. And let's not forget the very greedy people of low intelligence who think they can get rich by answering a few simple questions to which a five year old can respond.

These people are prey to unscrupulous methods used by some online survey companies. These scams include the following:

1. The fee for joining. There are some sites out there who charge a "fee" to join. They promise you an opportunity to earn up to $100,000 a year, sitting home at your computer taking surveys. The fee is usually less than $50. These sites are always a scam. If it was possible to earn $100,000 a year doing surveys online, the roads would be empty because no one would be going to work. Everyone would be home, in front of their computers, earning easy money. These sites prey on the greedy and/or lazy people of little intelligence. By the time they figure out that their "get rich quick" scheme isn't working, they're out $50. It's not a crime to be greedy, lazy or stupid. And, unfortunately, it isn't a crime to prey upon them in many cases. These sites are careful to add "disclaimers" stating that not everyone will earn this amount of money. They promise nothing, but include testimonials on their site from people with no last names who claim to be living the high life from the comfort of their homes. They usually have photos of flashy cars and huge houses on their websites. People need to stay away from these sites like they would avoid the bubonic plague. Unfortunately, PT Barnum was right when he said that there was a sucker born every minute. Which is why these sites continue to exist.

2. The cell phone scam. In this popular scam, you'll be asked for your cell phone number to "confirm" your membership. Seconds later, you will receive a call on your cell phone. The call will end up costing you anywhere from $1.95 to $4.95; depending on the company. These companies don't usually end up charging you too much because they figure you'll never miss a couple of bucks. But it adds up for them and that's how they make their money. They will then periodically send you text messages telling you you've won a prize and to claim it, you simply need to reply to the text. This will end up costing you more money. Do not give out your cell phone number to any website.

3. The Switcheroo. In this scam, you will be participating in a survey and then be directed to another website. They will ask you to show an "interest" in obtaining more information from one of their marketing partners. You will continue to answer "no" and keep getting more offers; the survey will never end until you answer "yes." Now this scam might not cost you any money, but it will cost you time. Because when you say that you are interested in learning more about health insurance, expect to receive an average of 10 calls a week from telemarketers trying to sell you health insurance. And the insurance they are trying to sell you is a lot more than you can expect to pay than if you contact an insurance agent in your area. I know this for a fact as I've actually done price researching. And the telemarketing company will ask you for both your social security number as well as your bank information (so they can send in a deposit with your application). It's dangerous to give out such information to anyone over the phone; legitimate companies will send you any information you require by mail.

4. The phone bill scam. You'll sign up for a survey company and provide your telephone number. Then you'll proceed in completing a survey and receive an offer for a free issue for a magazine. You'll think to yourself - what's the harm? You'll give your name and address for the magazine and hardly notice when a fee for a year's subscription shows up on your telephone bill,. If you read the fine print, however, you will see that when you provided the company with your name and address to receive your "free" magazine, you authorized them to bill you via your telephone bill. They figure that you won't even notice the extra $12.95 attached to your phone bill. And many people don't.

These are just four of the scams that I've actually encountered during my foray into the world of online survey participation. I consider myself a half-way intelligent person, but I got caught for $1.95 for the cell phone scam and $12.95 for the magazine subscription. I've also been called about 20 times so far by different "health insurance" company representatives who requested my social security number and bank information over the telephone. These companies have yet to send me anything by mail. Luckily, I know better than to give such information over the telephone.

Online survey taking can be fun, but be careful. Do not give out your cell phone number under any circumstances. Do not give out your social security number or bank information. Do not ever express any interest in receiving information from health insurance providers. And avoid the "online education" inquiries as well. Do some research prior to joining any company, do not pay a fee, and beware of anyone or any website that promises to make you rich.

If you need to start real home based internet business to build your work at home online money making business to earn some extra cash through google adsense program with ready made top paying adsense websites and templates or just want to make online money at home with data entry jobs to become rich in your spare time just visit picmoney and adsenselover they are the real money making opportunity behind every successful millionaire on internet, they are tested by me also and by other successful entrepreneur, so just make a search in “picmoney” and “adsenselover” in search engine.
*)Please browse for more information at our websites.

Rabu, 11 Maret 2009

How To Monitor And Manage Search Engine Results

Keeping track of where your website ranks on Google for important keywords and keyword phrases can be a full time job. Although many tools exist for monitoring search engine position, properly evaluating SEO performance requires a disciplined approach.

There are a variety of ways to measure search engine rankings for your website. Popular website tools like SEO Elite and Web CEO include search engine ranking tools that can track where your site ranks for identified keywords. But what if you don’t own SEO software?

To evaluate search engine rankings, you simply need a means of measuring rankings on a regular basis. Follow these simple guidelines:

Create and maintain a spreadsheet of your rankings. Having a document that you continually update can help you see weekly changes as well as trends over time. Be sure to keep it updated at least once a week so that you are always aware of how you rank for keywords and keyword phrases you are watching.

You can choose your keyword list based on the keyword phrases you’ve selected as important, those your competitors rank well for, or individual phrases identified by SEO software. If you want to get a jump start, you can identify which keyword phrases your site is ranked for in the top 20 on Google using This tool provides a listing of which keyword phrases your site ranks within the top 20 Google search results for and can be a great tool to identify your competitor’s keyword rankings.

Record changes in search engine result placements simply by entering each keyword term in to Google or using SEO software. You can also find free tools online to report your rankings like CleverStat or

Continue to make changes, build links, and record your results. This step will never be completed but rather is an ongoing process. You should strive to become number one on all your SERPs and get so far ahead that none of your competitors will be able to compete. This requires constant and never ending consideration to building links and creating more and more reasons for other sites to link to you.

Consider reciprocal linking, link acquisition, as well as adding free tools to your website, valuable content, and helpful downloads. Access to these tools is ideal if you want to attract links to your website. Once you’ve added these valuable tools, make sure to let others know that they exist. Consider a free press release, email campaign or promotion.

Expand your keyword list. As you improve your overall rankings on major search engines, consider adding other keywords phrases that may be relevant to your website, products or services. Focusing on an expanded keyword list can result in more traffic and broader appeal.

Monitoring and managing your search engine rankings, especially on Google is necessary if you wish to increase the organic traffic to your website. This begins with basic monitoring and evaluation of your rankings on key search engines. Once you’ve developed your spreadsheet, update your rankings each week with free tools or SEO software.

Continue to focus on your rankings and developing inbound links through free tools and resources on your site as well as proactive link requests. Over time, as you improve your rakings for key terms and phrases, expand your list. Improving your rankings is a never ending process, but an important one. Stay the course and you’ll experience the results you’re looking for.

About the Author
Michael Fleischner is an Internet marketing expert who has been featured on The TODAY Show and Bloomberg Radio. Discover how to improve search engine rankings at

Minggu, 01 Maret 2009

Make Money Online With Paid To Click Sites

There are many sites on the world wide web where you can earn money just for viewing advertisements placed by other site members who paid to put these ads there. The site has a timer and all you do is click on the ad, view it until the timer gets to zero and go to the next site. They are called paid to click sites or PTC's for short. Although one only makes a penny or less for each click of the mouse do not let that fool you, it is possible to make fifty dollars per day or more with paid to click websites.

These sites also will pay you for each and every click made by other members who you have referred to the paid to click program. So you can have one thousand referrals all clicking ads and you get a penny for each of their clicks and this can really add up to alot of money. Some paid to click sites offer deals like one cent per click and one cent per referral click, while others offer half that, but those sites who pay less than one cent per click often have lower ad prices for their advertisers, resulting in more ads for you to click on than the other sites.

Many of these websites also have "paid to sign up" offers from other members as well. This is where you sign up into thier program and you get paid ten cents for that at most sites.

When choosing a good paid to click site, you should check their site for a forum link. If they have a user forum, go to it and register there first. Then look around their forum, talk to the moderators there, and try to get a feel for how well liked the site is among it's members. This can save you alot of headaches later on.

Many of these sites will sell you referrals in packages as small as five or as large as five hundred. The cost for these is usually around a dollar each, and a group of five hundred referrals can bring in $50 per month comfortably, as long as their are ads at the site for everyone to click on. You need to be careful though, the key is to find paid to click sites owned by a good honest admin. This can be researched by visiting their forum like I said earlier, and by doing a Internet search for the websites name or the owners name. Do a whois lookup if you know how and look at the owners name of the domain name itself, and the date the sites url was created. This can be done at whois dot com.

I have created three sites that list all the best paid to click programs based on my real experience with the owners. All sites listed are sites where I have had no problems whatsoever or they are removed from this list. You can find the links below. Thanks for reading my article.

About the Author
My name is Raymond Noud and I am a hard working networker online, and a hard working guitar builder offline.