Selasa, 03 Februari 2009

Continue the WNA Japan Travel

usband and wife pair of origin Japan Saturu (36) and Yuri Hashimoto (29) who were stranded in the coastal village Kendalrejo District Petarukan, Pemalang, Central Java on Monday (2 / 2) and, finally resume journey after a normal physical condition. Officer authorized to lend a hand to check the documents keimigrasiannya not see any such violation. Both nipon the back row kanonya to the east, on Tuesday (3 / 2) around 06.00 WIB.

Terdamparnya both Foreign Citizen (WNA) that had mengegerkan citizens in the Village Kendalrejo and Nyamplungsari. A pond surrounded by forest and the beach and rarely dirambah men Monday night mudik many downstream residents. The withdrawal, there is a spectacle of entertainment, Yono owned hut made of bamboo bilahan that dirubung residents curious to see the foreign people.

Unfortunately both of them hiding in a room select used Yono and his wife was sleeping. While some members of the police to keep them up to the night, though cold air envelop the area. Kano while more or less throughout the digeletakkan six meters behind the house of a spectacle.

When police digeledah Kano contains sea perlatan suit complete with shoes and other rubber footwear, mineral water, noodles IM and large bags and a special jacket. People never see such a model boat into great surprise. Moreover, their raw materials are thin, but it makes them strong berdecak impressed. While the pedal rod disandarkan in one corner of the room also did not escape from the attention. The raw materials and model is very different with the usual rowing fishermen see them. More lightweight and made of anti-rust materials.

Kapolres Pemalang AKBP Drs Bambang Sukardi SH MSi time confirmed a number of journalists present, they are to tour India with the objective of Bali. "They always like that with a menyisiri islands, the activities carried out at this time is the seventh time," he said.

Although both are the couple who work as teachers, in the event it does not perform research activities, as presented terjemahnya Hadi yesterday. "They just like to see coastal activities, not research," he said.

Chairman of the NGO Committee of Management of Marine Fishery Resources and Environment (PS pkl) Ir Tukiono MSi present, tourists from any tour if the activities could not do any research activities in Indonesia. Must have special permits for research from the Ministry of Maritime and Fisheries (DKP) of Indonesia in Jakarta and Indonesian researchers cooperation.

"We have yet to know whether or not there perijinanya, foreign citizens may not view the source of all in Indonesia," he said. However the resources of the nation we can not be detected foreigners. (*)

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